Sunday, December 18, 2011


There are different types of treatment for aortic stenosis. They all involve widening the opening to allow more blood to flow into the aorta, but they do it in very different ways.

Balloon valvuloplasty

This is an operation where doctors put a tiny balloon through an artery into your heart, and then inflate the balloon so that it stretches the aortic valve. They take the balloon out after the procedure.
You go into a cardiac catheter lab to have this done. After a while, the valve goes back to how it was, so it only works temporarily.

Valvotomy and valve replacement

If Balloon valvuloplasty isn’t right for you, you might have a valvotomy. This is a different operation to widen the valve opening. Sometimes this procedure includes replacing the valve. If you don’t have the valve replaced at this time, you will probably need a new one at some point because calcium can build up and sometimes the valve doesn’t close properly after a while.

Treatment for supravalvulvar stenosis

Supravalvulvar stenosis is similar to aortic stenosis, but is when the narrowing is outside of the heart in the aorta. To treat this condition, the narrowed part of the aorta is removed and the remaining parts sewn together. Sometimes too much muscle tissue grows back, so you might need some more treatment later.

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